February 14, 2020
Flint Hills of Kansas
Sneak Peek: The Mississippi Delta, MS
Roadside Assistance: Photographers Wanted
A Photographer You Should Know: Kojima Yasutaka
The Editor’s Note: The Strength of Persistence
December 19, 2019
Western Ohio
Sneak Peek: Bowling the American Dream (The Book)
Roadside Assistance: The Inland Empire
A Photographer You Should Know: Bryan Anselm
The Editor’s Note: Western Ohio and the (Sub)Urban/Rural Split
November 5, 2019
West Memphis, AR
Sneak Peek: Western Ohio
Roadside Assistance: The Inland Empire
A Photographer You Should Know: Chris Arnade
The Editor’s Note: Gunshots in the East, Little League in the West
September 25, 2019
Jackson Purchase, KY
Sneak Peek: The Flint Hills of Kansas
Roadside Assistance: (Still) Looking for suburban homes and office park offices
A Photographer You Should Know: Robert Frank
The Editor’s Note: The Quiet Confidence of The Jackson Purchase
August 10, 2019
El Paso, TX
Sneak Peek: West Memphis, AR
Roadside Assistance: Looking for suburban homes and office park offices
A Photographer You Should Know: Tyler Hicks
The Editor’s Note: A Tale of Two El Paso's
July 4, 2019
Trans Pecos, Texas (Parts 1 and 2)
Sneak Peek: El Paso, Texas
Roadside Assistance: The BOWLING THE AMERICAN DREAM Kickstarter is almost done!
A Photographer You Should Know: James H. Evans.
The Editor’s Note: The Incomprehensible Space of Trans Pecos, Texas.
May 17, 2019
Louisiana Highway 1
Work in Progress: Trans Pecos, Texas
Roadside Assistance: The BOWLING THE AMERICAN DREAM Kickstarter is here!
A Photographer You Should Know: Alec Soth.
The Editor’s Note: Louisiana Highway 1 as Metaphor for All America.
January 25, 2019
Update: The Place Photo Journal covering Illinois Highway 37 has been updated with thirteen additional photographs.
Work in Progress: The Lot, a Cross Section Photo Journal exploring the American used car lot.
Roadside Assistance: It's all who you know (and what you know, too), and it can help Interstate Magazine.
A Photographer You Should Know: Wim Wenders.
The Editor’s Note: Identity and the Vastness of America.
December 17, 2018
Roadmap: A summary of where Interstate Magazine is now and where it is headed next
Work in Progress: A peek at a Cross Section photo journal on the American subdivision
A Photographer You Should Know: F.D. Walker, Photographing 100 Cities around the World
The Editor’s Note: Truth, Accuracy and Respect in Photography